Quick contact info

NL Drainage is a family owned business, operating throughout the Goulburn Valley and into New South Wales for the past 30 years and provides expert solutions to any drainage, sewerage or construction needs.

icon_widget_image Monday-Friday: 7.00am to 5.00pm; Saturday & Sunday: Closed icon_widget_image 23-43 Cussen Street, Tatura, Victoria 3616 icon_widget_image (03) 5897 7290 icon_widget_image admin@nldrainage.com.au

Occupational Health & Safety Policy

  /  Occupational Health & Safety Policy

NL Drainage & Concrete Construction Pty Ltd (NLD) is committed to achieving the principles of OHS in the workplace as per its obligations under the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 (OHS Act) and the Victorian OHS Regulations (2017).

Our company recognises our moral and legal responsibility to provide a safe and health work environment for all its employees, other persons at work and visitors. This commitment also extends to ensuring that all our operations are undertaken in a manner that does not place the local community or environment at risk of injury, illness, or damage.

Our safety objectives are:

  1. Compliance: to ensure that all workplace activities comply with the relevant OHS Act, Legislation, associated Regulations, Statutory Authorities and AS/NZS 45001:2018 as a minimum.
  2. Consultation: the establishment and maintenance of an effective means of consultation with employees, and any other interested parties, on all health and safety issues.
  3. Risk Management: Hazards and the high-risk work carried out at jobsites by NL Drainage Pty Ltd employees are understood and assessed.
  4. Training: Employees are provided with information, instruction, training, and appropriate supervision to enable work practices to be undertaken in a safe manner that minimizes risk to the environment.
  5. Improvement: The establishment, monitoring, evaluation, and improvement of an effective OHS management program.

Our success is dependent on:

  • Pro-active planning of all work activities with due consideration given to implementing OH&S controls suitable to each given situation.
  • Understanding the total work process and associated OH&S risks.
  • Ensuring the work team is totally committed to achieving our objectives.
  • Ensuring that open and honest communication exists between management and all employees.

This policy will be reviewed by the Managing Director as part of its annual internal OHS audit and updated in consultation with employees at a pre-determined Toolbox (Safety) meeting.

Brad Wereszczuk
Managing Director
NL Drainage & Concrete Construction Pty Ltd